Friday, February 29, 2008

Me too!

(Please ignore the ultra dirty oven in the above picture. It's for illustrative purposes only. I didn't realize how much it needed to be cleaned until I took this picture.)

Do you get it? If you don't then you can scroll down to the next picture and then it should be pretty clear.

Yep, I'm pregnant! About seven weeks along. I had my first prenatal appointment today and everything looks good. Got to see the little bean, it's heart beating, so that was a highlight. Other than that it was just lots of paperwork. Oh and I'm very relieved to know that there is only one baby in there, people kept bringing up twins and it was making me nervous. Plus I've been really bloated this entire time and already look like I'm 4 months pregnant! (Sorry if that's tmi.) Maybe it's because I never got my stomach back in shape after Kaylin. Hopefully it will go back down before it starts getting big--i'm not supposed to be this big yet. And I would show a picture but I'd be a bit embarrassed so I think I'll wait on that.

(Here's a picture of the little guy, or girl, at seven weeks.)

We found out about the pregnancy (it was planned) at the beginning of February, but I wanted to wait until my appointment before telling lots of people, just to make sure everything was alright and that I was actually pregnant.

My due date is approximately October 13th, but based on my temperature readings I ovulated late and the ultrasound measures later too, so it's probably a few days later.

Kaylin is too young to really know what's going on, but she'll be almost 2 1/2 by the time the baby is born, so hopefully by then she'll understand and be excited. She's really into babies right now, always pointing them out and loves carrying around baby dolls, rocking and feeding them, (even trying to nurse them!) so I'll take that as a good sign. That's one thing that is really going to be different this time around and that is having a toddler that is used to being the center of attention (and she's still nursing and very much not ready to quit). It's going to be a learning process but hopefully she'll love her little baby brother or sister and they'll get along great and be really close. I'm going to have to start getting tips from parents of multiple kids on how to balance things.

Well I can't think of anything else to add, and hopefully now i'll be better about posting more often, although I really must say I've been completely unmotivated and even thinking about not having a blog anymore, so we'll see. I still love reading everyone else's though!


Kristen Borland said...


Sarah Griffin said...

Congratulations Allison! You probably don't recognize my last name here, but it used to be Halderman.. and I know you from Grace. I found your blog through a string over other blogs of Grace peeps. My husband and I our expecting too! It's our first baby, and I'm due in mid July. It seems like everyone is pregnant right now!! They say 2008 is the year of the Boy- and alledgedly that's what we are having too. So maybe precious Kaylin will have a baby brother? But who knows- I guess you have a little ways to go before you get to find that out! Well congrats!

Larissa said...

Yay! Congratulations! Caedra and her little brother will be just about 2.5 years apart too. I'm worried about having two kids too. Caedra is used to being the center of attention as well, so we'll see how she deals with having to share me. I just have to keep reminding myself that lots and lots of moms out there have two or more children. Some even closer together than 2.5 years. Right? =)

I'm excited for you guys. I hope we get to visit with you sometime soon!

BeckyandTroy said...

Congrats.. that's so exciting!! Are you hoping for a boy or a girl?
Love B & T

Kate said...

Yay!!! Congratulations! How exciting! Hope you are feeling okay and that you are getting enough rest. I'm looking forward to updates!

Allison Brown said...

Thanks everybody!

Becky-I'm actually kind of hoping for a girl just because it seems like things would be eaiser, we already have so much girl stuff, and I'm thinking they would play together better. But if it's a boy that would be great too. As the cliche goes, as long as he or she is healthy!

Melissa said...

That is so exciting! I have my first appointment next week, so I'll know a little closer what my due date is, but I think we'll be within days of eachother! That's pretty fun. I'm gonna have to rely on your experience, though!
Do you have Kaiser, by chance?

ps--I think any first born takes some adaptation to the new baby, but will eventually love and probably try to parent the second born, too. And if it is a tramatic experience for Kaylin, she'll be just young enough to not remember and hold it against you :)

Jodi said...
