Thursday, June 12, 2008

Once again...the house and a few other things

So...they accepted our offer!! Can't really believe that this is happening and that in thirty days we're going to be homeowners, but it is happening. We didn't find out until hours later when the realtor called and he said they had a few stipulations on the offer but he wasn't too sure what they are because he wasn't at his office and that he'd get back to me. Well, he still hasn't called but he did mention it wasn't about the price or closing costs or anything, so hopefully nothing too major. When he called Kaylin was napping so I waited and brought sparkling cider and champagne glasses to Tim's work to tell him of the news. I thought that would be kind of a fun way to tell him. We went out to dinner to celebrate, where Kaylin was unusually fussy and didn't really touch her food--very unlike her. Hours later she threw up and has a fever. Add to this that we were planning on going camping this weekend down in Big Sur, so everything's is up in the air, we have lots going on and are feeling a bit overwhelmed! Maybe you can tell by the way this post is organized and with my jumbled thoughts. So hopefully this is a 24 hour thing and she'll be better by tomorrow. And that Tim and I don't come down with anything. It doesnt' help that the house is a mess and Tim's busy with work and we both have lots to do to prepare for camping if we do end up going. I hate coming back from a trip with dishes in the sink and on the counter and stuff all over the living room floor! Oh well. I'll just have to pray for the best and take a deep breath! And probably go to bed soon since this usually means a bad night's sleep.


No other offers coming in yet...just have to wait a few more hours. This is a bit surreal.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

House hunt update

Well the process has begun. We've spent the last month or so looking at houses, only a few with our realtor and found a house we liked fairly quickly. It's in the city of Woodland, just outside of Davis (which we can't afford, unfortunately) so Tim will have a short commute to work. Not bad though. It's an older house, built in '77, but doesn't need much work except cosmetically. It's in a great neighborhood, but it's a little on the small side (about 1400 sq. feet--which I hope will be okay with a growing family of four) with small bedrooms and bathrooms, but I think it will be okay, and it's our first home so I knew we would have to compromise on something. Tim and I both liked it and it just "feels" right and I can picture us living there, and already starting planning where I'd put things and how I'd change the front yard, etc. (I know I have to be careful with getting my hopes up.)

We set up an offer today with our real estate agent. I say "set up" because the situation we're dealing with is really rather unique and I don't think we'll ever come across it again when buying our next house. We thought the house was a foreclosure. It has a specific day and time set up for offers, which would be reviewed and accepted by a judge. Our real estate agent didn't know why it was going to a judge, he thought it had something to do with a will. Anyway, it turns out that there is a seller, it's not a foreclosure, the seller's just incapacitated and is a ward of the state, so the county has control of the house and the decision of how much to sell and accept. So the offer will go in at 10 am on Thursday, the judge will review the offers (so far we're the only one's making an offer--hopefully it will stay that way) and make a decision. So we have to wait two days til we know wether the house is ours. That will be a little tough. But we're trusting that if this is where God wants us, it will work out. (So far most of all the right doors have opened up and things have fallen into place to make it seem that this is where He's leading us.)

I'm so glad this process is almost done and over with, it's been stressful and time consuming and I just want to move on! I'm excited, but also can't believe we're doing this! It definitely hasn't hit home yet. I'm sure that's what every first-time homebuyer feels, though. I'll add pictures of the house later, hopefully. And fortunately I think there will be a time period where we can go in and paint and do whatever before having to move out of our rental. Of course, that means we'll lose a little bit of money. But we couldn't time the close perfectly, so oh well. This is all assuming we actually get the house. :) I have a tendency to run ahead of myself a little. Well, i'll do another update when we hear on Thursday...

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

2 years!

Happy Birthday Kaylin!!

I can't believe my little baby is two already! Her birthday was actually yesterday, but I didn't have any time to post anything because we were busy with a little family celebration. And unfortunately our laptop isn't working again so I can't post any of the pictures or video of her. I'll have to add those later.

We treated her to a bunch of her favorites yesterday; she watched Cinderella three times! (Her current fave, which she usually watches at least once a day anyway because I'm a sucker!), she got pancakes for breakfast, a lunch out with Dad, and pizza for dinner that Tim made dairy free for her. She got to see her doting grandparents and aunt and have cake for the first time as well as open some presents. Plus, she got to stay up late! I think she had a fun day. And she's having a bigger party on Saturday with more friends and family! She's one spoiled girl! But she deserves it!

I love you Kaylin, and can't believe how much you've grown and are learning; it's amazing to watch-- you bring me so much joy! Your sense of humor and curiosity constantly keep me entertained and I can't wait to see what the next years ahead bring! I hope you continue to grow into who God created you to be and blossom in His love. You are such a blessing and the sweetest little girl who constantly has a smile on her face. Happy Birthday Sweet Pea!