Thursday, November 20, 2008

Our house

I meant to post this when we first moved in, but then I didn't have internet and got busy and distracted with lots of other things. There is still lots of stuff to do (including a kitchen to finish) but I wanted to share some before and after pictures of our house. This is all before we moved in, minus the second living room shot, and I haven't updated any of them because most of the rooms are pretty messy and not quite done yet. So i'll share those later.

Front of the house before

After (Green grass and cleared out weeds and dead plants--but still lots we want to do)

This picture probably shows the best example of the changes. Tim restored the original fireplace (took sooo much longer than he thought), took out the tile floors and put down hard wood and new baseboards, and painted. Makes a huge difference and he did such a good job--i'm so pleased with how it turned out!
Family room before

Fixed the broken window, had new carpet installed and painted.

Master bedroom before

New carpet and paint; Tim also fixed the creaky floorboards after he ripped up the carpet so that it wouldn't be so noisy when walked on. (The carpet was the worst in this room--tons of stains and smelled really bad.)
So i'll share pictures of the kitchen when it's not such a mess and closer to being done.
Gotta run--Dylan's fussing!


Christy said...

wow! you guys did a great job! No wonder you weren't blogging! Love to read about you all.

Melissa said...

WOW! Kudos to Tim. The rooms look great! Such hard work. We've officially painted 2 rooms and a bathroom, and we thought that was a lot of work. Great job!

Kristen Borland said...

wow! i love it all! the fireplace looks amazing!