Monday, July 27, 2009

My 9 month boy

I know it sounds cliche, but I can't believe he's already 9 months old! He's going to be a year too soon. He's such a joy and at such a wonderful age. Unfortunately I have no stats because Kaiser decided to stop doing 9 month well-baby checkups. He's getting big though--already growing out of some of his 12 month clothes. He's enjoying more solids (he doesn't seem to be allergic to dairy like Kaylin was, yay!), pulling up and climbing on EVERYTHING, and about to get his first teeth in. He is active, active, active--a busy little boy who is super curious and always on the go. He's so much fun and has me completely wrapped around his little finger!


Jodi said...

What a cutie! Yay for boys!

Your post gives me hope that Matthew won't have all the allergies that Ethan does (eggs, dairy, tree nuts and peanuts!).

Allison Brown said...

Jodi, i'm hoping too, at least with the nuts. (Kaylin's allergic to nuts and eggs too) So far so good with the dairy. The great thing is that she outgrew the diary and can eat eggs if they're an ingredient in the food, but still gets stomach upset if she eats them plain. She outgrew them a little after her 2nd birthday, so maybe Ethan will too.