So I know I've been silent on here for awhile now...part of it is that i've been busy and unmotivated, part of it is that we've been having computer problems that have made it hard to post anything on here. Our laptop went down recently, we got it fixed and then about two weeks later it died for good. And as of yesterday our modem died so we can't even use the desktop. Ugh. (I'm on my parents computer right now, at their house.) So I guess the tech gods are against us. :) And that's also why I don't have any pictures on here. Hopefully i'll be able to add those later.
So now on to what we've been up to...we're continuing work on the house, as always, and Tim has almost finished the flagstone patio. It's coming along. We're hoping he'll be able to begin work on the pergola soon. We're finally making some decisions on the kitchen and hopefully soon we'll have a new countertop and finally a floor instead of concrete. Our goal is to have a lot of this done by Dylan's birthday so that we can finally celebrate something at our house. Tim took a "staycation" (did you come up with that Kristen?) over Labor Day weekend and was home for 5 days! It was really nice. He worked most of them except Tuesday, which was my birthday (and also Kaylin's first day of preschool).
So I have to brag a bit about what a wonderful husband I have. For my birthday he made me a wonderful breakfast (after sleeping in). After picking Kaylin up from school--that is so weird to say--we went and had lunch out in Davis and then he surprised me with a two hour reservation he had made for me at a day spa there! He took the kids home and I got a one hour massage and then a one hour facial! It was heaven! Then he came and picked me up and made me dinner and my favorite--boxed yellow cake with chocolate frosting. After putting the kids to bed we watched 17 Again (I thought it was cute.) So thanks for such a great, relaxing and pampered day! Can't every day be my birthday?
There is more I could put here but the kids are getting antsy (so am i) so I'll sign off here and try to add more soon if we can figure out the computer situation.
welcome back to blog land! I think technology officially hates me, so it's nice to have company there. :) Can't wait to see you guys at the end of the month!
nope, didn't come up with staycation, but i do enjoy it! thanks for posting an update! i know it's hard to get to blogging with all the little ones to take care. love all the pictures in the next post. your kids are getting so big! can you believe our babies are so old?!
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