Thursday, June 12, 2008

Once again...the house and a few other things

So...they accepted our offer!! Can't really believe that this is happening and that in thirty days we're going to be homeowners, but it is happening. We didn't find out until hours later when the realtor called and he said they had a few stipulations on the offer but he wasn't too sure what they are because he wasn't at his office and that he'd get back to me. Well, he still hasn't called but he did mention it wasn't about the price or closing costs or anything, so hopefully nothing too major. When he called Kaylin was napping so I waited and brought sparkling cider and champagne glasses to Tim's work to tell him of the news. I thought that would be kind of a fun way to tell him. We went out to dinner to celebrate, where Kaylin was unusually fussy and didn't really touch her food--very unlike her. Hours later she threw up and has a fever. Add to this that we were planning on going camping this weekend down in Big Sur, so everything's is up in the air, we have lots going on and are feeling a bit overwhelmed! Maybe you can tell by the way this post is organized and with my jumbled thoughts. So hopefully this is a 24 hour thing and she'll be better by tomorrow. And that Tim and I don't come down with anything. It doesnt' help that the house is a mess and Tim's busy with work and we both have lots to do to prepare for camping if we do end up going. I hate coming back from a trip with dishes in the sink and on the counter and stuff all over the living room floor! Oh well. I'll just have to pray for the best and take a deep breath! And probably go to bed soon since this usually means a bad night's sleep.


Kristen Borland said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! That is so exciting!! (And so sorry to hear about Kaylin being sick. I do hope it's only 24 hours.)

I hear ya about coming home to a messy house!

Sugar Plum Invitations said...

Congrats.. that is so exciting. I can't wait to see pics. I hope you all stay well!

Anonymous said...

:( it seems you've disappeared off the face of the earth- err.. i mean blogger. hope your pregnancy is going well, and everything with the house! we need an update.... :)

Anonymous said...

People should read this.