Monday, September 29, 2008

Back again

Well, it's been a long time again. Feeling pretty busy, although I guess by most standards I'm really not that busy. Tim, Kaylin, and I have been living with my parents for about a month and a half now, which has its ups and downs. Our parents have been very generous but we're looking forward to having our own space again. (As I'm sure they are too.)

Work on the house began in the middle of September (we finally closed Sep. 9th, after many complications) and has been moving along steadily. Although, with the way things look, we'll probably be here at my parents when the baby is born. The house has been gutted, so until we have the new flooring and paint in, we don't want to be living there. We've already accepted the fact that we won't have a kitchen for a while after we've moved in, but we have a makeshift one in the garage for the time being. Tim and his dad put in a fridge, oven and sink out there, even some cabinets and countertop, so that will have to work for awhile. It'll be interesting to have a newborn and a toddler in the mix once we move in. We have lots of help though, so that's good.
I'll post some pics later on of the house in it's current state.

And because life seems so upside down and busy right now, the thought of having a baby in two weeks is just unbelievable! We haven't done much to prepare, and that's starting to scare me a bit! We don't have a name or even a nursery and Tim and I hardly see each other, so we haven't had much time to talk about the impending birth and arrival of our son, much less time to get things done for him. I've gotten a few things for him (diapers, onesies, etc.) in the last week, but it's still very unorganized and just sitting in bags out in the car. I haven't packed for the hospital, aghh! Very different from the first time around! I don't know what we'll do if he comes early. I definitely need the two weeks to get things more under control. At least i've been healthy and feeling good. With Kaylin I remember being tired all the time at this point, and unable to move around very easily. (Although that could've been around the time that I was already a week late.)

On the topic of the baby's name, we have been mulling around a few names, and seem to be down to two that we like more than any of the others we have talked about. Maybe you all can give us your opinions...I've been having a hard time with it, though because I don't completely love either of them, and it's hard to picture either of them as my son's name. Maybe we'll just have to see what fits when he's born. Anyway, the names are Dylan and Logan. My mom and Tim lean toward Dylan, and I go back and forth between the two.

Okay, I need to sign off now to get started on dinner, but i'll try to be better about updating this, especially as it gets closer to my due date. I also wanted to put some belly pics on here, so we'll see.


Larissa said...

Craziness! We were living with Dairn's parents up to a couple months before Grant was born. You must be totally stressing out having to be there through the birth! I could barely stand it as long as I did.
Don't get me wrong, I love his parents. They are wonderful, but I just needed control over my environment, you know?
I love both the names Logan and Dylan. I have cousins with both names. Good luck. We didn't decide on Grant until we saw him, and didn't decide on a middle name until the following day!
Good luck!
Kisses to Kaylin.

Sugar Plum Invitations said...

Wow that is crazy!!! It must be so hard to not have your own space. Thankfully it will only be a small chapter in life, even if it doesn't feel like it! You are braver than I.. I think I would go insane!! Thinking of you! b

Kristen Borland said...

hi!! wow, i can't imagine being so near your due date and have so many things up in the air! you must be a very patient person! and if you can't have your kitchen, it sounds like you've got a great set up in the garage (wouldn't that be nice to keep later for holiday cooking?). so much change coming so quickly!

i hear you about being in disbelief about the upcoming arrival of your baby. 16 days left for me (just one day ahead of you!), and i find myself thinking, "SIXTEEN DAYS?! it's really going to happen?!" i guess it's always pretty much inevitable, but now it really, really seems inevitable. if that makes sense!

Kristen Borland said...

oh, and i vote dylan, though i think both are good names.

Anonymous said...

I vote for Dylan. I love that name. If you don't use it I might have too.

Melissa said...

Hi allison! We delivered at South Sac and the facility is MUCH better than Morse (which is where I was for my surgery a few months ago). I did not have to share a room, though it is possible if they are super busy. It's nice to be able to labor, deliver, and recover all in one big room. Then you stay in a different room for post partum, and it had a chair that pulled out to a bed for Steve. I recommend it. Though I didn't find the nurses very helpful.
We'll be praying for your smooth delivery, and for the details to work out. They do have a way of working out well.
Oh--and do you have a pediatrician you recommend? We're going to choose one in Davis. They chose one for us for our next appointment, but thought I'd see if you had a recommendation.

Christy said...

YAY!!! News from Allison! I'm so happy to read how you guys are doing. And, I really like how "These are my kids, Kaitlin and Logan" sounds.