Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Still here

Such a precious face!
So I am finally able to post something. (And update my blog--finally!) Life has been a bit hectic and that is my excuse for not blogging. Plus, computers have crashed and internet has been down, so that hasn't helped. We finally moved into our house, well, back in November, and are adjusting well in our space. Of course unpacking and organizing have been slow and there's still lots to do. Our kitchen is also still in the process of renovation, but Tim finally got the oven and stovetop in, so now we don't have to eat any more microwavable dinners!
It seems amazing that we have already experienced Christmas and the start of a new year in our new home; time has really been moving! There's lots to update on, but I would be up all night, so I'll try to just mention the highlights. Dylan is continuing his amazing growth and weighed in at 14 lbs, 14 ozs and 24.5 inches at his second month appointment--he's already fitting in to some six months clothes and everyone that meets him comments on how big he is. He loves to smile and "talks" a lot--he really is a loud boy and much more vocal than I remember Kaylin to be. He absolutely HATES the car and screams until hoarse everytime we drive anywhere longer than ten minutes. That's been lots of fun.
Kaylin is well into her "terrible twos" and can be a little devil one moment and the sweetest little angel the next. She's really been testing her limits and my patience, so if anyone has any great suggestions on discipline, or any good books on the subject, feel free to chime in. She loves her little brother, loves to help and take care of him, but sometimes doesn't know when she's being too rough. But I love to see her be sweet to him (she holds his hand in the car to try to get him to stop crying) and I know she'll love as he continues to grow and develop his personality.
Here are some brief pictures from Christmas and New Years. We had a good time with family but stayed close to home since there was so much to do (plus Kaylin, Dylan and I all came down with a cold that lasted two weeks--not fun). Still, I was able to get the decorations out and even though the house was a bit messy, we enjoyed our first Christmas in our new home.

Auntie's cool shades

The Santa hat club

First Christmas

Sweet smiles

Who's that in there?

Happy New Year!


Larissa said...

Yay! So good to hear you are doing well and to see pictures of your sweet family.
The terrible twos are hard no matter what you do, but I've found that Caedra responds best if I clearly explain to her what she SHOULD be doing as well as saying "no" when she she's doing something wrong. For example: She's banging her little cinderella doll on the table and I start by telling her to stop, and then ask her to have cinderella dance quietly on the table. It gives her something to change her focus from banging. It doesn't always work, but it helps in many situations. Good luck. This stage is hard. I'm just now feeling human again, now that Grant is 8 months old! =)

Kristen Borland said...

wow! dylan is so handsome!! lola is a bit below average, so it would be really interesting to see them next to each other.

glad you are starting to settle in. such a long process, but i'm sure it will be worth it in the end.

that is so sweet that kaylin holds dylan's hand in the car. what an amazing big sis she's going to be!

as far as discipline goes, we certainly need to be improving in that area, but our approach is ted tripp's "shepherding a child's heart". firmly believe in that--working on changing the heart, not just the behavior. like i said, still working on that! tripp recently published "instructing a child's heart" to go along with the first one. mike is reading it and really likes it, but i haven't read it yet.

Kristen Borland said...

oh, and please tell "dr. maas" that kristen albright says hello!

Mama Mote said...

Love your pictures. It's fun to keep up this way. I feel like I can stay in touch with people this way and on Facebook. Glad to see you back on your blog. Love the pics with your dad and sis.

Allison Brown said...

Thanks for the tips! I'll for sure say hi for you to my dad, Kristen. And i'll have to look into the book you recommended. Sounds interesting.

Anonymous said...

Good to hear from you. Everyone looks so happy and healthy. Love the "after" pics of your new house.