Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Prayers, please

I have been silent on here (yet again) for awhile now because I was trying to decide if I even wanted to post about it. Tim lost his job about a month ago and so I'm on here asking for prayers as he goes out with the many thousands to look for another job. This was quite unexpected and we were both pretty surprised. Of course the timing isn't great with the new house and new baby, so I know the pressure and stress on Tim is great. Please pray for him. We question God's plan but we know he has one and we're trying to trust that there's a good reason for this and that he has better things for us. I know that this will be a time that will strengthen our bond as a family and our relationship with the Lord.


Sugar Plum Invitations said...

Of course you'll be in our prayers.. it's such a stressful thing!! Hugs- b

Mama Mote said...

We are sort of in the same boat...a little better than you. Dan has a job, but we are having to leave SLO and move to LA in order for him to stay with the job - otherwise, he would be commuting for a couple of years (which he's been doing since November) or just take a layoff. We decided, since he does have a job, he shouldn't jeopardize that trying to find another job just to stay in SLO. I was raised here and I really don't want to leave, but the best thing is to leave. So once Dan finds a place to live, I will give notice at the church and will move down there. The pluses are that Liz and Gregg live in Long Beach and Danielle can fly direct to LAX (where Dan works) when she wants to visit.

We will definitely pray for you and hope Tim finds something else very soon. You have a very cute family, Allison.

Kate said...

Yes, we will be praying. Oh, I'm so sorry!

Christy said...

Allison, :(
I am encouraged by your knowledge that this will strengthen your bond as a family...yes it does suck though...GOOD LUCK
And I hear that solar energy is getting all kinds of funding so ANY sort of job with that kind of company might be an ok bet? also try, its better/equal to


Melissa said...

Booooo! That is terrible news, and by our standards, terrible timing.
What does Tim do, so we can keep our ears out for openings?

Kristen Borland said...

we've been there. such a hard time. i will pray.

Larissa said...

Oh no! My dad is jobless right now too. Very scary times. =( Definitely let us know what Tim does so we can keep our ears open for jobs.

Allison Brown said...

Thanks everyone for your kind words and prayers. Tim was working in architecture (commercial, not residential), but has his education in electrical engineering, so he's looking for either area, but probably engineering since it's doing better right now than architecture.