Wednesday, April 8, 2009


So for you parents out there with young kids, how often do you play with your kids? I feel lately that I am just not doing enough of this. I find myself busy or itching to get stuff done and so I haven't been spending as much time just sitting down interacting/playing with my kids. I used to be a lot better at this, but honestly, lately the desire to do so has just been minimal. I feel guilty about that, but with one child who doesn't nap at all, and another who doesn't nap well plus a larger house with lots of projects, I am feeling distracted and a little burned out. I think 6 weeks plus of illnesses hasn't helped any. I think I need to get out of the house more. Anyway, it would be interesting to hear from others.

1 comment:

Kristen Borland said...

i TOTALLY understand! you described me perfectly. do not feel guilty. i feel overwhelmed by all the things that need to get done and frustrated by how every task is constantly interrupted. one very wise piece of advice i received recently is this: "the house, the dishes, the laundry...these are your interruptions. your kids are your priority."

now, that's hard to put into practice when you are looking at your house totally falling apart, and laundry must get done, and dinner must get made, but i think it's a good way too look at things. but i have to admit, i have nearly lost my desire to sit down and play. i haven't enjoyed mothering recently. and i really think that's because i'm caught up in all the other distractions. once i can refocus (go to bed a little earlier for added energy!), i think the desire might come back. i've been so wrapped up in how hard it is that i forget how wonderful it is. and gosh, they really are growing up so fast. i don't want to miss it.

so i know exactly how you feel!