Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Feeling productive...or not

I've realized that I tend to feel unproductive just because the house is a mess, the laundry isn't put away and the dishes are still in the sink. So I am reminding myself on here, as a visual, that I have been somewhat productive and that I don't need to feel like a bad mother/wife (and so that maybe some of you can relate).

Today I:
  • paid bills
  • went grocery shopping
  • did a load of laundry
  • watered the plants in the front

Okay so maybe it's not a huge list, but if I added all the motherly things on there, like making meals, changing diapers, dressing, playing, nursing, etc. then maybe it would look more impressive. But that's the everyday stuff. Why does it always feel like there's so much to do and that I can never get ahead of it all? Ahh, that's life I guess.


Larissa said...

Amen!! I'm so there.

Mama Mote said...

I feel that way and I don't even have kids in the house anymore. So weird.