Tuesday, May 31, 2011


I just wanted to make a note to myself on here, because I never remember to write down the dates, that Clara went from her tummy to sitting all by herself today! I know that's probably not too big a deal but I honestly wasn't sure she if she would be able to do it for a long time. She seems to be a little slower with the gross motor skills (she still isn't rolling from her back to her tummy) so I wasn't expecting this for awhile. She does scoot around a bit on her bottom, but no crawling yet. Which I shouldn't complain about because that means I don't have to chase her around or worry that she'll get into everything.

1 comment:

T.J. & Becca Wuth said...

How fun!! I love those little milestones. And don't worry if she is a little behind on those other motor skills. Ashley Joy was WAY behind on quite a few things, and then Rusty just nailed about every single expected time frame on those milestones. I'm quickly finding, there is no "normal" :o)