Thursday, June 23, 2011


These are my confessions...of what mommyhood [to three] is really like:
  1. I only see the inside of the shower at the most twice a week.
  2. Clara's lucky if she gets bathed once in two weeks (is that horrible or what!?)
  3. Laundry gets washed but rarely gets put away.
  4. The internet is my best friend.
  5. I have been nursing for 5 years now, in a row, without any break.
  6. I have gained 115 pounds with 3 pregnancies (I've lost 88).
  7. I weigh more than my husband.
  8. I really miss my old body.
  9. But my breasts are way better now (until I stop nursing and they deflate like balloons).
  10. I don't really like taking the kids to the park.
  11. I don't wash my face before bed anymore and I really have to push myself to brush my teeth--many times I don't. Don't bother asking if I floss. I don't.
  12. I have no original thoughts anymore. They're all borrowed. And they are definitely not deep. I'm too tired for that.
  13. I don't usually enjoy making meals for my family.
  14. I think I will always look 3 or 4 months pregnant.
  15. Sometimes I miss my life before kids.
  16. I look forward to my kids being grown but then I feel like they are growing up way too fast.
  17. I fear everyday that something bad will happen to one or all of them.
  18. My children are not allowed to eat things with too much sugar, but I am, and I do. A lot.
  19. What is effective discipline? I don't really know.
  20. I'm kinda making things up as I go with this whole parenting thing.
  21. I don't finish books anymore.
  22. I don't know how single parents do it. Tim does so much to help and I'm so thankful for everything he does.
  23. I have a zillion unfinished projects (and even more unstarted projects).
  24. I got really upset when my kids decided to give up naps.
  25. Sometimes I don't like my kids. And sometimes I play favorites.
  26. Even if I sometimes desperately want to run away, I will always love my kids way too much and so much more than they will ever know.
  27. My house always looks like a hurricane blew through.
  28. I spend 6 out of 7 days a week in my "lounge wear." I don't put on makeup anymore and I definitely don't do my hair. Or at least that's how it feels. Sorry, Tim. 
Okay, so I know this sounds all doom and gloom and someone without kids may read it and think, man, I never want to have kids! But I'm just trying to keep it real. Being a mom is hard. But it's worth it and I love it. And I love my kids.


Kristen Borland said...

i can SO relate! having three kids is VERY hard. but you will eventually shower, and you will eventually do something besides just take care of them (like read a book or complete a project). that day will come!

with school out i'm remembering how hard it is to go shopping with three. (they are good kids, but they totally feed off each other and get so goofy--which is so nice at home, but so not helpful at the store.) during the school year i can shop with just one or two if i plan it right. it totally took me off guard the first time i went shopping with all three this summer. for the next couple of months, i think i might just shop when they are in bed. :)

(and i don't like taking the kids to the park either. i find it very stressful and exhausting to keep track of all of them! and push them on the swing, and take them all to the bathroom together, and get sand out of their eyes, and never sit down for more than a minute...)

jenny said...

NO, I LOVE this!!! :-) You are the friend that I want to have... makes me feel way more normal. I may just copy this post idea. :-)

Melissa said...

perfect. i, too, will always look 3-4 months pregnant and miss my old body! and i'm no longer nursing, so yeah, deflated balloons. no amount of exercise will fix that :) gosh, i relate to SO many of these. let's hang out!

Larissa said...

Beautiful honesty. I can relate to a lot of these. Shower, yes. Park, yes. Looking 3 mo. pregnant, yes.

Some of the other things were more true when I still had a baby. Now that Grant is three I do get to wear make-up more often and my house gets picked up on a more regular basis. But I still spend some days longing for my pre-kid freedom. They say once our kids are gone we'll wish they were little again. There are many precious moments for sure.

Mama Mote said...

Now I want to see 28 blessings of being a mom. Can you do it?

Mama Mote said...

Oh, meant to say, I know what you mean. I only had two, but it was still a challenge. I looked forward to the day they would be out of the house (sometimes) and when that day finally came for each of them...I cried. I do miss them, but thankful that I can still see them when I can. Liz and Gregg just moved to Culver City so they are only a little less than 10 minutes away. Danielle is a plane ride away for us in OR. We can fly free so that helps (although standby is not very fun sometimes). It's hard being far away, though, esp. when they are going through trials and you can't be there. Your prayer life grows when they leave - at least it should.