Thursday, August 18, 2011

Kindergarten here we come!

I posted some of these pictures on Facebook already, so sorry if some of this is a repeat, but as I've said before this is a record for me too. And I know I've said this before also, but I can't believe we're already at this stage. It's hard to believe that I have a school aged child. Thankfully she's so easygoing that she did not have a problem with this transition. Dylan actually had a harder time the first day than she did. And I missed her as well. The house is much more quiet and I miss her personality and voice throughout my day.

Although now that we're two weeks into school starting I have noticed that each day seems to go by quicker and it's been helping me get up and get dressed everyday (I was one of those moms who like to spend all day in her pjs.) So I know the school year will probably fly by.

I also have to start looking into homeschooling next year because I wanted to try one of each, public school and school at home.
Kaylin on her way out the door on the very first day of school!

Walking to school (from the car).

She's excited!

Waiting in line to go into her classroom.

 I tried to make her first day special. We picked her up and brought her a balloon and had flowers waiting on her seat in the car. I drew her a little picture that said, "welcome home Kaylin!" I think she felt special.

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