Okay, so since none of you participated in my survey, except Michelle (way to go!), I have nothing left to do but conduct another one. This time, my question for all of you is: how often during the week do you take your little ones out? By out, I don't mean errands, but like to the park, the zoo--activities just for them. I feel that I don't take Kaylin out as much as I should; I get caught up running errands or going places for me. Oh, and feel free to answer the other post too! :)
Probably only twice a week, unless you count walking around our neighborhood (we do that everyday). But like you, many of our outings include grocery shopping, or target or something like that. Though when we're out doing arrends sometimes I'll try to stop in the pet store for a minute so she can see the animals or something fun like that.
I might be a bad mom for this, but going to the park is really boring if it's just me and Caedra, you know? We like going to the park much more when Daddy is home.
Park: almost every day. He HAS to burn his energy and without a yard that's really hard to do here.
Gymnastics: we were doing once a week and took a break for a while, but need to go back again....again, to burn energy.
Play Date: Once or twice a week.
Zoo or Lunch or Bridge walking (anything fun basically): once a week or so.
With us, Brian works a ton and matthew had tons and tons of excess energy, so my entire day is spent basically wearing him out. Errands are one a day and that's prety much our limit. I have a pretty high maintenance kid over here!
Don't give up on the surveys!!
oh, that's embarrassing. most of our trips out are errands or to church or Bible study, which is a giant play group for him. maybe twice a week?? totally varies. park, play dates, etc...
Lara, i'm glad you said that about the park. I've always felt guilty that I really don't enjoy taking Kaylin to the park; that's one of the reasons we hardly ever go. At her age, it's hard for her to really play, she can swing, but everything else she needs my help to do and i have to be constanly near her so that she doesn't climb on something she shouldn't or fall off of something. She just started liking sand earlier this week, so that gives us one more thing to do there, but it still doesn't hold her attention very long. It'll be easier when she's older.
Oh, and Kristen, what's embarrassing?
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