The year has gone by rapidly, as do most now with three little ones to care for. And now my youngest is a baby no more and is on the cusp of toddler hood and walking and talking and everything else that is non-baby. Clara is such a sweet little (emphasis on little) thing, curious and bright, active and smiley. She loves to dance to any beat (even if it's not music, such as the breast pump) and is learning to wave goodbye (and sometimes even say it). She loves looking at books, particularly the ones with babies or animals. She loves dollies and babies and loves to poke and prod at her younger cousin, Noah.
I love seeing her laugh with her big brother and sister as she is learning to play with them. I will remember putting her into clothes that were much too big for her or how she had to wear clothes for a 6 month old at a year.
I remember her first smiles and laughter. How she took so long to roll over that I got worried. How she spit up so much that we had to change her three or four times a day when she was really little. I remember how she cried during her first bath and how proud I was of her when she sat up by herself for the first time. I remember singing patty cake to her to get her to lie still enough so that I could change her diaper. How Kaylin and Dylan could make her giggle by making faces at her. I remember how she hated baby food (so different from her brother and sister in that way.) And I will remember how she always had to hold something in her hands, especially while nursing.
I will always remember how we spent her first birthday (first at the splash park because she loves water so much, but later out in our backyard for two hours because the carbon monoxide alarm went off.)
I love to hear her constant babbling as she talks to herself or to us. I love how she crawls over and sits herself down right smack in your lap and leans back to get comfy. I love her pretty green eyes (the only one of us without brown.) and how her ears curl. I love how every time we go to the doctors office she screams in excitement and almost leaps out of my arms to look at all the fishies in the big fish tank. I love how she points and points and points at everything. And how she kicks and kicks her legs every time she is excited.
I know there are a million little things that I am forgetting to put in here but I hope that I will always be able to remember my sweet baby's first year with fondness and recall all the things she learned to do and all of her ways and the things that made her who she is.
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