Saturday, April 14, 2007

First Birthdays!

So we're starting to think about plans for Kaylin's first birthday party (already, I can't believe it!). I've been gathering ideas for decorations, themes, etc. and was thinking that I would love to hear stories from all of you about your own child(ren)'s first birthdays, what you did, how it went, etc. So feel free to leave me some comments! (And I know this picture has nothing to do with the post, but I hadn't put up any pictures of Kaylin yet, so I wanted to put up something.) :)
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Anonymous said...

Your dad is proud! No blog for this old folk yet, maybe after taxes are done!

Larissa said...

My favorite thing I did for Caedra's first birthday was print out a picture or two from every month of her life from birth to 1 yr and taped them up around the dining room so everyone could see her progression. It was fun for me, even if no one else cared. =)
Her theme was lady bugs and I baked pumpkin cupcakes. She got one all to herself and it turned out really cute.

Allison Brown said...

Sounds like fun. We were thinking of pictures and maybe a video of her first year. We'll see. We probably won't have many young kids at all, so that might make it easier. I think Tim wants to make her cake. Not sure of what yet. I think the theme might be jungle animals because that is the theme of her nursery. It'll be fun though, no matter what we end up doing.

Anonymous said...

When is the exact date of her birthday, AL? Memorial day weekend I thought...

Allison Brown said...

Her birthday is June 3rd. Right after memorial day weekend. (That was my due date.)