Tuesday, July 31, 2007

MIA and other updates

So I've been silent this past week on mine and other blogs because of a change in internet providers that left us without an internet connection since last Monday. We had hoped to make the change a little more seamlessly, but got stuck when the old provider cut us off unexpectedly.

Anyway, it really opened my eyes to how dependent I've become on the web. It was only about eight days that we didn't have access, yet it feels like it's been weeks! I really missed emailing and blogging and reading other blogs, so without the ability to connect, I felt much more alone and for lack of a better word, disconnected, throughout each day at home. I learned, however, that I can get much more work done without the distraction of the internet. I have to admit, I usually tell myself that I'm going to be productive while Kaylin is napping, but almost always end up spending the entire time she naps browsing on the web. (I think there's an obvious connection there to my latest blog about chores and use of time.) So I really have to be careful about that and use my time more wisely.

On that note, I want to comment here to all of you who responded to my blog with tips and ideas on the balance of house and family. I think my tone sounded a bit more desperate than I intended (I think I live in the moment sometimes). It's not that I don't know how to spend time with Kaylin, or that I don't do it that often, it's that I don't do well with balancing chores and household projects with quality time with her, and then I feel guilty about it, like I'm a bad mother, for example. It's really one or the other, and I think it was because (like some of you said) I would let the work pile up and get overwhelmed by it, instead of tackling it on a day-to-day basis. So while I spend most days playing with her (meanwhile the house gets quite messy) on the weekends or when it just gets to me, I would spend most of the day cleaning and not much time with Kaylin (or Tim if it was on the weekend). So, I'm really grateful for the tips, and can't believe I never thought of making a "chore chart" type of system where I do only one chore a day, every day, leaving the rest of the day and the weekends open. So thanks. Also, this week helped me realize how much better I could be using my time, during naps and at night. I actually got quite a bit done that I'd been needing to for awhile (so much so that I actually found myself not knowing what to do during a few of Kaylin's naps!). Of course, the work always piles up again, but I know that I just have to balance my time better.

Kate, I may have to check out that book you mentioned. And I'd be interested in trying your "blanket time" idea, but I don't know if I'd have the patience or resolve to follow through with it--Kaylin is constantly on the move, always exploring. It'd be hard like you said, but great to have! We'll see.

And since there is no way I have to time to comment on all the blogs I read that I missed this last week, I'll just say, I really enjoyed catching up and seeing new pictures and hearing how everyone is doing. And Kristen, how funny that your sister did Diaper Daredevils too! She wasn't in my class though. Oh, and I don't think that was me you saw walking down the street, I think I was at home at the time. But how funny that you thought it was me! Glad you got to come up and see your sister and her new baby, but sorry to hear what happened with your back! How awful! But it sounds like you're doing better. Brianna, sorry to hear about Kaitlyn, hope things turn out okay and that she gets better soon!

Oh and just a little update from long ago with Kaylin regarding her allergies: we finally got her blood tested and it turns out that she is allergic to peanuts (a level 3 out of 4) (as well as dairy and egg)! And from doing a little research, it turns out that unlike dairy, you don't grow out of a peanut allergy. It's one of the most deadly food allergies, so it's a little daunting thinking about her future with this allergy, especially when she's older and Tim and I aren't around to constantly control what she's eating! I just have to hope in God and trust in Him that he's in control of the situation. But it's scary for me nonetheless! And how I love peanut butter, and snickers, and peanut butter cups...but it's not about me anymore, and we don't want a potential life threatening food in the house. She's going to get more testing done soon, so lets hope the tests are wrong (they're usually not though). Man, the challenges of being a parent!


Michelle said...

ohh, so sorry about her peanut allergy, that is really hard. We'll be praying for her and you guys and all her allergies. I'm paranoid to try peanuts becuase we've had an incident just with peanut shells, so...anyway, we'll be praying for you guys!

Kristen Borland said...

welcome back! i am so sorry about the peanut allergy. that's one thing i worry about. you have such a great attitude about it though. truly, so many people live with peanut allergies and are fine.

keep us posted on the second round of tests.