Tuesday, May 29, 2007

I Officially Graduated!

I wanted to post on here my quirky graduation story, becuase I finally officially graduated! I attended Cal Poly San Luis Obispo starting in 2002 (Cuesta College and Sonoma State before that--six years altogether--and I thought it was only supposed to take four for a bachelor's degree), studied English, and "unofficially" graduated in June 2005. I attended the ceremony, walked with my class, recieved my "diploma," and even had a graduation party. But I never actually graduated. Thanks to a minor detail I call "Senior Project," I never got my degree. This is what happened: I had originally decided to create a website for my senior project, and then about a month before I was supposed to graduate I realized, what? I don't know the first thing about how to make a website! and so I changed my senior project. Of course, I had to get this change approved, and come up with another project. Lucky for me, I was just finishing a brochure that I had designed and created for The Family Care Network as part of an internship. So I made that my senior project. My advisor approved the change, but wanted me to write at least a ten page paper describing the process. I wasn't going to finish the paper in time, so he gave me an incomplete, which meant I had one year to write it. I figured that was plenty of time. Little did I know that I was going to move, get married, have a baby, and move again within that year. Needless to say, I didn't finish. I was working on the paper in that time, though, writing a little bit here and there to get it done. I had to email my department chair (to make sure I could still graduate) and found out my senior project advisor had left Cal Poly and that I had to work with a different professor who knew nothing about my project or situation. I finally finished the paper in March of this year (two years later), and sent in my project. It was approved, but I only heard of this two days ago because he has been busy. (That was another stresser.) So he's sending in the paperwork in the next day or two and so I'm anxiously awaiting my real, official diploma. Mostly though, I'm glad to finally be done, to have that stress gone, and my mom not bugging me. I can now call myself a college graduate! Yay!


Larissa said...

Congratulations! It's amazing that you actually finished it. It's so hard to be motivated to write a paper when you aren't in the classroom setting anymore (especially a ten page one)!

Anonymous said...

Yeah Allison!
That is great!
I think I am working on about 25 years of school and haven't even gotten to the senior project yet! Glad you finished!

Anonymous said...

Great Job!! What an acomplishment. Isn't it a wonderful feeling just to be done. I just finished too on May 18th. I finally have my credential. Let's celebrate!!!!

Kate said...

Congrats! Doesn't that feel good to get that off your back!? :) Proud of you for finishing...I probably would've just tossed the whole thing knowing me.
By the way, thanks for the post about your grandma's birthday. It was great to see pics of Karen and hear how she's doing. She's not engaged yet to that guy, huh? Tell her I say hi for me please.

xoxo said...

yay Al!!
Party time!!

Mumsie said...

I am so proud of you! Great News, Indeed!

My Senior Project was about "A Day in the Life of Terry Tennies"! Yes, I single-framed photographed a day in the life of my tennis shoes (cute tennies with wild laces!), we got away with murder in the 70's with our Senior Projects!

Now, what to do with the Diploma? Mine went into a box where it has been displayed for several years! HA HA I think 33 years to be exact! Only a short time.

Again, my very best in your pursuits with writing! Sharon

Allison Brown said...

Thanks everyone! Jamie, don't worry, it'll go by fast and you'll get done. Katie, congratulations on your finishing! How exciting! Kate, i'll tell Karen hi for you. She's up here this weekend for Kaylin's birthday. And you're right, they're not engaged yet. We're waiting to see what's going to happen.