Here are some pictures I thought were cute that I wanted to post. The first is Kaylin in mommy's hat, the second and third are some funny half handstands she's been into doing lately. (She especially likes it when I come up behind her when she's in the pose and peer at her through her legs--she thinks it's funny and starts giggling!)
The last pic is Kaylin standing by herself. She's getting better and can sometimes stand

by herself for several seconds,

sometimes more. I think she actually got up by herself (without pulling up on anything) yesterday, but I'm not sure. I think she's almost there. Walking seems a little farther off though. She cruises well, but hasn't attempted any steps by herself, and she doesn't seem all that interested. I think she realizes she can move around a lot faster by crawling, so she's just going to stick with that for now.

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend. We're going to fly down to San Diego for my grandmother's 95th birthday. We get to see lots of family, many that we haven't seen for quite awhile (and most haven't seen Kaylin), so that will be fun. I'm a little nervous about the plane trip, (It's Kaylin's first) but it's only an hour, so it'll probably be fine. We're staying through Monday to make it worth the trip and are trying to figure out if we want to go to Sea World or San Diego Zoo, or maybe just the beach. (I don't know if we want to pay the exorbitant amount of money it costs for the parks, especially Sea World, when Kaylin won't even remember it.) It'd still be fun though, and Tim's never been (Sea World). Whatever we do, we'll have fun though. It's nice that Kaylin is usually well behaved and doesn't usually get too fussy on outings. So we'll have lots of pics to share when we get back!
Allison, I was in Sac this past weekend and thought about stopping by, but you were in San Diego. Hope you had a great time. I love the pictures! Thanks for sharing!
Becky, I'm sorry we missed you. That would have been good to see you. Hopefully next time we're in slo we'll see you guys.
Allison, I can't really tell by the pictures, but do you cloth diaper?
Jodi, nope, just disposables. It'd be much too much work for me to do cloth, not to mention a bit messier. I know it would save on the environment a bit, but oh well. Are you trying to decide?
Yeah, looking at the all-in-ones here (www.justduckybaby.com) it doesn't seem so complicated (but they are more expensive than the ones you have to fold yourself). Hubby thinks it will be too much work and he's probably right!
Don't mind me though, in that first picture it just looked like maybe she had on a cloth diaper. :)
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