Friday, October 24, 2008

Birth story

Since I've added pictures of Dylan to the blog, I figured I should probably share how he was born. I'll try to keep it brief.

As you know (those who read from earlier posts) the little guy was taking his time in making an appearance, and I had several days of braxton hicks and then mild to moderately painful contractions before I went into real labor early Monday morning. I woke up around 2 am on Monday with a painful contraction and waited until I had my third somewhat regular contraction before waking up Tim. From there things started moving quickly, my contractions were getting stronger and closer together so we packed the rest of our bag and left for the hospital. My mom stayed with Kaylin, who slept through all of it, and my dad followed behind us. We got to the hospital around 2:30, went up to check in, meanwhile my contractions are getting stronger and stronger and I'm having to really concentrate through them, walking and almost fainting a few times. They finally got me in to check me and I was 5 cm. They put me in my labor room where I really started to struggle with the contractions. They were coming right on top of each other, some only giving me 30 seconds to rest in between. I requested an epidural at that point (I had been there maybe half an hour) and they told me they had to do blood work first and it would probably be an hour before I'd be able to get one. I was a little frustrated about that, so the nurse offered some pain medication to take the edge off, which I of course took. The nurse checked me again a few minutes later telling me I was about the same--still about 5 cm (of course I was thinking, how could I be the same when those contractions were so strong?!). I was really starting to feel the pressure down low and at that point the midwife came in to check on me, asking if I felt the urge to push. I told her that I was just starting to, so she decided to check me and I was 9cm, fully effaced and his head was completely down there. (I don't know about the other nurse, hmm.) At that point I looked at her and asked if that meant I wouldn't be able to get an epidural. She said probably not. This scared me because of what I had experienced with Kaylin. (Her very large head, two hours of pushing and forceps to get her out, not to mention the bad tearing.) So the midwife told me to go ahead and push when I got the urge. Right when she said that, I got the urge and just started pushing. The contractions weren't as bad (the little bit of medication really helped) and they were coming a little further apart, giving me more of a break. I pushed for half an hour, even with him facing up. (I was surprised when I found out about this because I didn't have bad back labor at all.) He came out after the half hour, a big and healthy boy. I got to hold him right away and Tim cut his cord. (We didn't get to do either with Kaylin, so that was a really neat experience that I was hoping for this time.)

Overall this was a much better experience, even without the epidural. I still can't believe that I did this naturally--I'm such a wimp and don't have much of a pain tolerance. God definitely got me through this, that's all I can say! I am recovering really quickly too and have to keep reminding myself that I am still recovering and to take it easy.

All the changes have been easier too because so far Dylan has been a really easy baby. He hardly cries (only when hungry or getting his diaper changed) and has been nursing really well. (It seems that's all he wants to do!) Sleeping at night is a somewhat different story though. He sleeps fine but really doesn't seem to like laying flat on his back, or by himself. So either Tim or I hold him through the night (we take turns). Not an ideal situation at all, but he just doesn't like his bassinet. Anyone have any suggestions? I've been putting him in his boppy during the day, even though they tell you not to let babies sleep in it. He does really well in that.

Okay have to go warm up dinner (thank goodness for leftovers!) Guess I really didn't keep this brief, did I?


Kate said...

where is it? i can't wait to hear all about it. :)

Sarah Griffin said...

Congrats Alison, He's Beautiful!!! As far as the sleep thing, we had issues with Brody too at first. We ended up purchasing the AMBY baby sleep hammock for him, a little pricey but was well worth it. It positions them so they are more "cradled"... and feel more like they are being held rather than flat in a bed. Its also on a spring so whenever the baby starts to stir the hammock gently sways and helps rock them back to sleep. We went from him HATING his bed, being up every hour and a half to about 6 hours of sleep right away.. and now at 12 weeks he will sleep about 10 hours straight. You can check them out at, and I also found out after we purchased the Amby that the brand Arm's Reach makes something very similar with a smaller price tag (pretty much the same product as far as i can tell). Hope thats helpful! :)

Sugar Plum Invitations said...

Congrats! That is so awesome that it went faster! He's so cute!

Jodi said...

when Ethan was little, he slept in his car seat, swing, boppy or bouncy chair for the first couple of months. he did not take to his basinette for quite awhile. there was something about the way it angled him and snuggled him up that just made him sleep better. he also liked the vibration on his bouncy seat. i can remember on a couple of bad nights dosing with my arm off the side of the bed bouncing bouncing bouncing that chair!