Monday, October 13, 2008


So today is my official due date. No baby yet, and no big signs that he's on his way really soon. I did have a few pretty intense braxton hix contractions last night, but I think it was from doing too much and from being on my feet too much. (Kaylin really keeps me busy!) After laying down and going to bed, I didn't have any more. They did make me realize though, that this is going to happen very soon and it's actually real! I'm going to have another baby! Sometimes I get a little scared. I've heard that going from one to two kids is pretty intense, and Kaylin is so busy and energetic all the time, that i'm afraid it's going to be pretty tough to meet the demands of two. I guess i'll just have to take it day by day and we'll all just have to adjust. Thank goodness for having two sets of grandparents around and a wonderful, supportive husband!

My goal for today is to finally pack for the hospital and finish a load of laundry, along with a few other things that have been awaiting my attention. My parents have the day off today, though, so hopefully I can get some stuff accomplished.

I'll try to keep everyone updated as things start to progress...

1 comment:

Kristen Borland said...

it's so hard wondering when it's going to happen! you are SO close!