Well nothing today, but I'm thinking it may be in the next few days. Sorry if this is tmi, but just lost the mucous plug (or at least some of it) and i've been feeling lots of pressure down low and getting more painful braxton hix contractions. Although with Kaylin, I lost my mucous plug and it wasn't until a week later that I had her, so you just never know. Keep you posted...
It will probably be faster this time. I had Caedra four days after I lost my mucus plug, but I had Grant the following day. I lost my plug in the morning and labor started that night at 9:00pm.
He's coming soon!!! =)
i lost my pieces of my plug around 1 and 1/2 weeks before delivery with both boys, and so far i don't think i've lost it at all with this one. i don't think it really has much to do with when you'll got into labor, so don't worry about having a whole week to go. every pregnancy and delivery is different.
i've been having contractions and cramps off and on all day. i'm hoping that means progress is being made, but i still don't anticipate anything happening today.
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